Don't Call That Man by Rhonda Findling (Paperback)

Price: RM46

There is life after a failed relationship, as long as you Don't Call That Man!. In this inspirational, revolutionary guide to letting go and moving on after the trauma of a breakup, psychotherapist Rhonda Findling teaches women how to triumph over the almost obsessive urge to pick up the phone. 

With its prescriptive, easy-to-follow approach, Don't Call That Man! is an indispensable tool for weathering the pain of heartbreak. It features simple exercises that provide an emotional outlet for a difficult process; charts that schedule free time away from the telephone; and much more, including:

-Moving on from a ruined relationship -What is an ambivalent man, and how do you get over him? -Mothers, fathers and men -Building and using a support system -The 10-Step program to not call that man

Step-by-step, from heartache to healing, Don't Call That Man! is a map on how to heal the pain of a lost love; how to overcome feelings of neediness and desperation; and above all, how to regain focus on what's important and it's not calling that man. It's the perfect book to embrace on the way to a new and more gratifying relationship.

Product Details:

  • : 144
  • ISBN: 0786884274
  • : Hyperion Books
  • : November 1999 

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